Sunday, February 8, 2009

Same song, different verse?

That's it. I'm swearing off watching or reading any more 'news'. Everybody has an opinion (or at least somebody's opinion) and they all seem convinced they are right. It's giving me a headache.

What I want to know is, what happened to the help for people losing their homes and the auto workers and others losing their jobs? I thought 'they' (politicians) were going to set up banks to buy up the bad mortgages and negotiate better terms so the homeowners could keep their homes. I thought there was supposed to be some kind of help for laid off autoworkers and others losing their jobs.

Why is all this money going to the banks? And why are they not loaning it to the poor homeowners and autoworkers? One television newscaster said it was absolutely necessary to give this money to the banks to 'stabilize the economy.' On another channel is a gentleman saying that this is not even technically a 'stimulus' because it isn't going where the pain is and, according to him, most of the action isn't even going to happen til next year, which is not very helpful right now. So who's right?

If you ask me, which obviously no one has or ever will, they are going about this all wrong. What 'they' should do is give every adult citizen in the country $2o,ooo and tell them to go buy a new car. For every home going into foreclosure, 'they' should pay the payments in arrears, and 3 months in advance. To give those new banks time to write them up new mortgages with payments the homeowners can afford.

There. What's so hard about that? If an ignorant old grammy from Indiana can figure it out, what's with all the blah blah blah coming out of Washington?? (I sure don't see any change up there, do you? Same song, another verse.)

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