Saturday, January 31, 2009

A New Approach?

Well, times sure have changed. And I guess I need to change with them. Like learning a little something about computers. A LITTLE. Anyway, my church is offering a new Sunday School class, and I am going to join. It's called 'making your children mind without losing yours' or something like that.
I really didn't have too much trouble making my children mind, the first time around. I just threatened to punish them. But my how things are changing. My sweet little five year old grandson was playing 'swords' with a stick and he hit his sister with it. So I took it and gave him a good firm swat on the butt with it, so he could see how it felt. He puckered up, but instead of crying said, 'You could go to jail for that.'
Well. I understand they are teaching the children not to let someone abuse them, to tell if someone hurts them. And I'm not proposing to beat my grandchildren. But he's only five. He doesn't know the difference between discipline and abuse. Between teaching and 'torturing'. It hurt, he didn't like it - Grammy should not do that to him!
So, Grammy is going to try to learn some new tricks in the world of child rearing. Because I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren, because I am involved in their care and raising, I need to keep on learning. Because the world is changing, and I guess I need to change along with it.

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